CE Class Information and Registration Form
Paul Davis provides continuing education to insurance and other professionals through CE Classes. The property damage restoration industry is complex and ever-changing. It is important to stay current with this industry's knowledge and trends. The Paul Davis CE Classes exceed expectations and standards. Approved instructors are dynamic, enthusiastic, and passionate about course topics. The program has been designed to provide insurance agents and adjusters with up-to-date and relevant information. All continuing education classes are approved for credit according to state rules and guidelines.
We have provided classes to protection experts for numerous years. Our CE Classes & CE program goes well beyond offering you assistance with obtaining your permit. We offer an extensive assortment of credit and non-credit courses for protection specialists, agents, property administrators, land experts and others who manage in the property damage rebuilding industry.
Ethics for the Insurance Professionals | #1031846 MN | 3 MN CE Credits
Thur, April 17th, 2025| 9:00AM – 12:00PM | Paul Davis Northland – 2700 Winter Street, Superior, WI
What % of your clients believe it is okay to overstate the value of their claim? You will be shocked at the answer! When we talk about business ethics, it’s a conversation about the differences between right and wrong, legal versus illegal, moral versus immoral and the shades of grey in between. This course will cover: The role trust plays in ethics; The agent’s ethical responsibilities; Fundamentals of ethic codes; Unfair claims settlement activities; Licensing issues; Ethical issues; and Ethics vs. legality.
CE Training Classes Registration Form