Spring has Sprung – Tips from Paul Davis

The Old Farmer’s Almanac was right once again. This winter was the most brutal most of us have seen or will see in our lifetime, which is what makes today so wonderful. Today is officially the end of winter for the Northern Hemisphere! On top of that, it’s International Day of Happiness, promoted by the U.N., which means you have even more reason to be happy.
Besides welcoming warmer weather with open arms, we can admire the lovely flowers and greener trees, taste springtime fruits and veggies, take part in outdoor activities, lay out in the sun and Vitamin D (make sure to wear sunscreen), and be happier from the beautiful surroundings.
Here are a few things you can do on the first day of spring to make others around you have a better day:
1. Smile at each person with whom you make eye contact
2. Help someone in need
3. Convey appreciation for others
4. Call your loved ones just to say “I love you”
5. Perform acts of kindness, no matter how insignificant they may seem
6. Volunteer your time or donate money to a good cause
7. Answer the phone with a cheerful tone
8. Give compliments to as many people as possible
9. Allow others in a hurry to cut in front of you in line
10. Be kind all day long despite negativity that may approach you
Hopefully these few suggestions will brighten up your day and everyone around you, while enjoying the start of the spring season. Although many of us will be soaking in the warm air, it also means that some are experiencing the aftermath of the chilliest winter that may include property damage. Please don’t hesitate to Call Paul if you have any property damage caused by fire, water, mold or wind. We’re there to help!

– From your friends at Paul Davis